
I have taught EFL since 1997, both in the UK in private and FE contexts and abroad. I am CELTA trained and have a DipTESOL. I have flirted with other fields and for my sins have an MA in Media and Culture. In 2009 I moved into EAP. As a relative newcomer to the EAP profession I am keen to gain a deeper understanding of what it is I do, why it is I am doing it, but most of all why there are so many bloody boundaries in what I do.

My rational for this blog:

So when I should have been concentrating on driving I have in fact dreamt up a way to encourage myself to engage on a more ‘academic’ and ‘critical’ level with what it is I’m driving too and from each day. In an effort to explore my profession, each week I intend to select a published article on an area of EAP that is relevant to my context, pedagogical beliefs and to how I identify with my profession. I will then post my thoughts on the chosen article. I’m here for the journey, I want to discover if I should be heading in the direction I’ve chosen and indeed to discover exactly where it is, in my opinion, EAP teaching should be heading.

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Keep going with your blog. Excellent thoughts and very stimulating. I would like to comment more often, alas time is short this term. Lack of comments does not mean lack of interest on my part,

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